Welcome back to this little corner of the world of mine. We have had a lot going on as a family, and I haven't had the time to sit down and spill out my thoughts on paper in awhile. Sometimes as a mom, I feel like I don't have any thoughts- it's just a bunch of mush up there after a long day! But, as always, when I start to type, it comes rushing out. I also find that when I am crocheting, thoughts seem to form more clearly and with more intention. It's like moving my fingers creates a space for me to think and process things that I have not had the chance to consider. What an incredible tool we have at our disposal-- that's why I want to teach everyone how to do this!
If you are considering learning and feel overwhelmed with the process, you are not alone. When I decided to learn to crochet, I remember definitely biting off more than I could chew. I would scour the internet for any tutorial that could show me the stitches, teach me how to read a pattern, how to hold my yarn without cramping up (though I ALWAYS did anyways at the beginning), and what hooks were the best for me or the projects I was working on. When I learned, I even picked the hardest pattern ever to start with, and I messed up so many times and it took me hours and hours to complete. By the end, I was so burned out that I didn't crochet again for months. I do NOT want that for you!
Because of my journey, I wanted to compile a list of 3 mistakes you might make (or are making) at the beginning of your own crochet journey.
First, you could definitely be using the wrong yarn for a starting project. The reason I say this, crocheting is a muscle that you have to develop. Your hands can cramp so bad if you start with using a yarn that is so thin and delicate that you can barely hold it or keep it tight enough for your project. Don't set yourself up for added frustration right out of the gate! Choose a yarn that works better for starting out. (See my blog post about my favorite yarns for beginner crocheters!)
The pattern you choose is way too long and involved. I have heard so many people say that they want to start by crocheting a blanket. Even as a seasoned crocheter.. blankets take HOURS and hours. I feel that you need a pattern first to be successful in, even if it's so tiny. Something that you can look back and say, "I did that!" I'll do another post about my favorite beginner patterns, but the class I created comes with one of these built in as well.
You're not learning the basics first! I know it takes time, but spending enough time practicing chaining, practicing holding your hook/yarn correctly before jumping into a pattern is so critical. You'll be much less frustrated if you first have a foundation to build from.
Speaking of hooks above, here are some of my favorites to start off with!
Clover Amour- Definitely an investment, but totally worth every dollar. I reach for these every time I am crocheting and can't stop! They glide so well over every type of yarn, and they feel like butter in your hand.
BeCraftee - A fantastic starter option, easy on the wallet
Prym - An in line crochet hook, plastic, and a wonderful alternative to a steel hook! Plus, they're so colorful and cute!
Keep crocheting my friends,